Letter from the author #88: 11 years of Mark of Odin and the Xaviverso

Today marks the eleventh anniversary of the official launch of Mark of Odin and what would mean the seed to create the XaviVerso. It is incredible how time has passed so quickly, but also everything that has been achieved. We have grown so much, in ways I never would have imagined, and I have been able to do so thanks to all your support.


On Wednesday, July 11th, 2012, we launched the Mark of Odin website, opened its online store and published the well-known #DisasterSeville trailer. I expected it to be a quiet day in the media, but the President of Spain at the time, Mariano Rajoy, decided to announce the VAT increase and changed all our media impact plans.

Despite all the obstacles, we were able to begin to make ourselves known, to grow, to attract new #MarkedbyOdin who were surprised by reading Mark of Odin: The Awakening. And so, working day by day, little by little we grew until today. The goal of 150,000 books worldwide is getting closer. The Mark of Odin’s saga also already has Road to Valhalla and Ragnarok in Spanish, with a wide extended universe. I managed to successfully face writing and publishing a first independent novel with The Stone Lotus, in record time.

I haven’t stayed still, it’s obvious, but neither physically. During this time I have traveled to Los Angeles, Frankfurt, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Taipei or Tokyo to publicize my books and literary universe. Seeds have been planted to be able to reap fruits with which to continue expanding and growing. I am convinced that this 2023, after my latest Asia Tour, we are going to have great news to celebrate.


This month of July and August I wanted to take them as a “dead” time to focus on improving the entire technical section. That is why we are in the process of migrating the Mark of Odin website to a new server, where I have also migrated my other websites. The idea is to improve the efficiency of the resources used and to be able to operate in a more flexible way than before.

In this matter, as I already announced, we are going to develop a new version of Mark of Odin website and launch what will be the main XaviVerso store and community. The #MarkedbyOdin will be able to continue enjoying the contents of the saga in a more intuitive way. On the other hand, everything related to buying books will be managed on the future XaviVerso website, but making room for all the stories that may be published in the future.


Carrying out all these changes is an investment on my part. Both in time, money and stress. The easy thing would have been to sit around doing nothing, but I really want to push this project forward. I believe in him and it is what makes me happy. So I go with it with my whole hand, like it’s a game of poker. And it is that, with all your support, I know that I have the best possible cards to succeed, no matter how long it takes.


I want to make special mention here to Juanma Lamoca, who has been and is an essential person in my life and without his dedication and titanic work the second stage of Mark of Odin would not have been possible. Also to Manu Nieto, who continues to find time out of nowhere so that my dreams look their best. Hopefully we can do all the crazy things we envision!

Remember, all is connected.

Xavier Marcé