Mark of Odin has more than 140,000 readers in all formats

About to end the tour of Asia by the author Xavier Marcé to publicize the saga of Mark of Odin, we celebrate an important milestone: Exceeding 140,000 readers between print, ebook and audiobook all over the world! So far in 2023, more than 10,000 people have decided to join the #MarkedbyOdin to help us continue to grow.


This news gives us energy to continue working to make Mark of Odin known to new readers. Not for nothing, the author Xavier Marcé has been visiting various countries in Southeast Asia to introduce our intellectual property to publishing and entertainment companies in Thailand, Vietnam, Taiwan and Japan.

We are convinced that we will soon see the fruits of his meetings and surpassing 140,000 readers around the world is, without a doubt, a great reinforcement to show how attractive the intellectual property of Mark of Odin is.

We take this opportunity to share a fragment of the latest presentation video of The Mark of Odin produced by the author Xavier Marcé during this tour of Asia.

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