The Islamic Caliphate As-Saffah, or simply As-Saffah, is perhaps the bloodiest and most powerful terrorist group of the moment in the entire world. Its proliferation has been rapid and very virulent, gaining thousands of followers in a very short time, managing to extend its tentacles throughout much of the Middle East, Asia, Africa and with infiltrated cells in Europe and North America.
Its origins date back to the end of the first decade of the 21st century, after the successive wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. It initially emerged as a split from other terrorist groups such as Al-Qaeda or Al Shabad. Its members begin to stand out for an extremely bloodthirsty style that makes their predecessors look like innocent schoolboys. Soon the organization goes from a mere rumor to a very real threat when it manages to take control of several regions of Syria and Iraq.
In their ideology is the belief that they are the warriors of the only and true interpretation of the Koran. They claim that the world must accept their precepts or suffer the most tormenting divine punishment. The name As-Saffah comes from the messianic religious title adopted by the first Abbasid caliph Abul ‘Abbas al-Saffah (721-754). The most accepted interpretation of said title is that it means ‘Generous’ but they have adopted one of the minority ones, but which fits their way of being, that of ‘Shedding blood’.
It is unknown who the leader of As-Saffah is, but in their proclamations on the Internet they warn of their intentions to reconquer a good part of Asia, Africa and even Europe, especially Spain. They propose to make a regression to the times of the Prophet and to do so they force all their occupied territories to live as if they were back in the darkest Middle Ages. That is why they are against all technological or scientific advances, which is why they have declared that scientists are one of their priority targets for attacks in the West.
Thanks to the control of oil wells, As-Saffah has enormous income that has allowed it not only to equip itself with heavy weapons from the black market, but also to attract thousands of fighters from all over the world. And not only from Islamic countries but also from Europe and the United States. This phenomenon has been achieved thanks to the use of an elaborate audiovisual marketing strategy that has managed to take advantage of social networks and the voracious appetite of Western news media for shocking headlines. Many young Westerners who are maladjusted or dissatisfied with society have been seduced by its macabre way of understanding life.
Their barbarity has caused numerous Arab countries to come together to declare war on them, but their power does not seem to be enough to prevent the advance of these warriors of the Prophet, as they also call themselves. That is why there are more and more voices calling for a unified and forceful reaction from the West to stop the advance of As-Saffah through the Middle East and North Africa where countries such as Nigeria, Somalia, Libya, Syria or Iraq are in the practice under their mercy in the face of the impotence of their fragile governments to stop them.
Currently, As-Saffah continues with its expansion plans and has launched new threats against Spain and the European Union. Especially after the inauguration of the European Aerospace Center in Seville. This group considers that this center is a focus of sin that seeks to open the abyss of hell and must be eradicated as soon as possible. Local authorities have wanted to downplay these threats and have assured that security has been reinforced not only in the CAE but also in all European borders. Although it must be said, several security sources have admitted that the current level of As-Saffah deployment within Europe is very alarming and they cannot guarantee that a major attack will not occur at any time.