At the end of 2007, shortly before the general elections in Spain in January 2008, the general displeasure of Spanish society with the political class was evident. While the international economic crisis since the famous crash of ’29 had its impact throughout the world and, especially harshly, in Spain, both the government and the opposition parties did nothing more than hurl accusations at each other without proposing solutions for the future. The Spanish people had completely lost faith in their leaders and this was reflected at the polls, voting massively blank. Something completely unprecedented in the history of modern democracy.
The political parties had to sing the mea culpa and accept that this time there was no turning back. A meeting was held between all political forces in the city of Cádiz, birthplace of the Constitution of 1812, where they agreed to call new elections six months later in the so-called ‘Pact of Cádiz’.
The citizens were not satisfied with that measure, they wanted real change, not repeating an election to obtain the same results. The mobilizations were total, not only in the streets, but within the governing bodies of the political parties themselves. The main forces of the country entered into deep crises, experiencing divisions within their internal jurisdictions. New politicians and technocrats emerged into the public eye with innovative ideas and renewed energies, forming new political groups.
Among all these new public figures, Manuel Alonso would stand out in particular. A young businessman who, at only forty years old, had managed to position his research and development company as one of the most recognized internationally. Deeply affected by the serious economic situation, he understood that the country needed profound structural changes to become competitive again and remedy all existing problems.
His speech had a profound impact on almost all social strata and attracted the most emerging values of the old formations, both on the left and the right, creating a political formation called PU (Party for the Union).
Thus, in the elections of June 29, 2008, the PU, founded only a few months before, managed to take power after obtaining more than 60% of the votes of Spanish citizens. In which it became one of the calls to the polls with the greatest participation in the history of Spain, since the end of Francoism and the so-called Democratic Transition. Manuel Alonso was proclaimed president of the government of Spain and in his inaugural speech he not only promised to solve the serious crisis that affected the country. His main objectives were based on the structural reform of the productive fabric of Spain. Until then, it was highly dependent on construction, focusing on promoting the tourism industry and, above all, turning the country into a benchmark in terms of research and development of new technologies and products. His dream was that of a Spain of services, but at the same time, a nation capable of being a benchmark in innovation and a key actor in international relations.
After more than two years since he came to power, it could be said that the new PU government had not limited itself to words, but had worked hard to make that dream a reality. The image of the country was enhanced for international tourism. Investment was made in new infrastructure and quality of services. Obtaining the first fruits in the summer of 2010, when the tourist record was surpassed. On the other hand, at the end of the summer of 2009, a momentous agreement had been reached, with the support of the United States, for the new European Aerospace Center to be built in Spain, specifically in the city of Seville.
Without a doubt, the achievements of the PU have been notable. Even so, there are people who are not happy with the new status quo in Spain. Influential people who have been significantly harmed by these changes and who would do anything to return to the previous situation. Be that as it may, the members of the PU, with President Manuel Alonso, feel very strong and energetic to continue with the line of progress they have marked. And for the moment, they enjoy maximum international support. Especially from the United States, a country that has turned out to be an essential ally for the PU and Spain. Reason why he has been invited to attend and participate in the great military exhibition that will be held in Seville on the occasion of Hispanic Heritage Day.